Occasional Example Average ratng: 9,8/10 5145 reviews
A physical occurrence is but the occasion (opportunity, occasional cause) on which God excites in me a corresponding mental state; the exercise of my will is the occasion on which God moves my body. 13 17 Cassie squinted into the darkness, searching for a target, but all she could see was dust and an occasional hoof. Occasional papers are essays or reports that contribute to the debate on a certain topic. The perspective of an occasional paper is the author's and is supported by strong research. If the paper is authored independently rather than by a team of authors, the work should incorporate material from case studies that support the author’s stance.
- Occasionally Examples
- Occasional Example
- Occasionally Examples
- Example Of Occasional Poem
- Occasional Pest Example
Antonym: customary. Similar words: occasionally, on occasion, professional, congressional, invasion, national, regional, missionary. Meaning: [ə'keɪʒənl]adj. 1. occurring from time to time 2. occurring or appearing at usually irregular intervals 3. occuring from time to time.
1. The weather was good except for an occasional shower.
2. I've had occasional mild headaches all my life.
3. They caught occasional glimpses of great birds circling.
5. She likes an occasional glass of wine.
Occasionally Examples
7. He pays me occasional visits.
8. I play the occasional game of football.
10. Despite the occasional lapse, this was a fine performance by the young saxophonist.
11. Everything was quiet, aside from the occasional sound of a car in the distance.
12. The street slept in darkness, aside from the occasional twinkling of lights from two or three windows.
13. He has occasional injections to maintain his good health but otherwise he lives a normal life.
14. Despite occasional patches of purple prose, the book is mostly clear and incisive.
15. There will be occasional showers in southeast England, some of them perhaps heavy.
15. Wish you can benefit from sentencedict.com and make progress everyday!
16. Thicker cloud with occasional rain or drizzle will spread into some western areas during the night.
17. Occasional bursts of gunfire are a reminder that the rebels are still active.
18. I can't help noticing the occasional clanger in war films.
19. Regular exercise is better than occasional bouts of strenuous activity.
20. He supplemented his income with occasional comedy gigs.
21. It was her job to commission occasional articles.

22. They had an occasional coffee together after shopping.
23. The supermarket holds occasional wine-tasting sessions.
24. He strolled through the fields,[Sentencedict.com] potting the occasional rabbit.
25. He gets the occasional niggle in his right shoulder.
27. I enjoy an occasional night out at the theatre.
28. There will be occasional showers during the day.
29. From Sunday to Tuesday, it will be cloudy with occasional drizzle in western and northwestern areas, especially around coasts and hills.
30. The silence of the forest was made evident by the occasional snap of a twig.
More similar words: occasionally, on occasion, professional, congressional, invasion, national, regional, missionary, educational, additional, functional, nationalism, traditional, conventional, traditionally, international, institutional, instructional, organizational, constitutional, casino, cast aside, personal, personally, occupation, on a large scale, version, tension, mission, mansion.
These examples may contain rude words based on your search.
These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.
af en toe incidenteel sporadisch occasioneel
nu en dan
incidentele occasionele ongeregeld enkele toevallige
Serieuze mensen, arbeiders en slechts af en toe.
Het heeft af en toe en staan?? tentoonstellingen.
Only occasional surplus products coming from this area are sold off from the holding.
Alleen de incidenteel overblijvende producten van dit stuk grond zijn op het bedrijf te koop.
The evidence for a serious ongoing risk to consumers through occasional domestic use is less compelling.
Minder overtuigend bewijs bestaat ervoor dat incidenteel huishoudelijk gebruik door consumenten een ernstig risico zou opleveren.
Zelfs een dood dier af en toe, helaas.
The sequence may sometimes include occasional elements.
These were mostly cremations, with occasional inhumation.
Dit zijn meestal crematies, met af en toe inhumatie.

Ik heb er af en toe nog hoofdpijn van.
Fast riffs with occasional even sludge-reaching guitar playing.
Snelle riffs met af en toe zelfs wat naar sludge neigend gitaarspel.
The occasional criticism has been made that this dimension is not really central.

Incidenteel wordt de kritiek geuit dat deze dimensie niet daadwerkelijk centraal staat.
It is a story of institutional timidity and occasional failure of European solidarity under commercial pressures.
Het is een verhaal van institutionele bedeesdheid en incidenteel falen van Europese solidariteit onder commerciële druk.
We are not just talking about occasional long hours.
We spreken niet slechts over incidenteel lange werktijden.
Seedless watermelons may contain underdeveloped seeds and occasional developed seeds.
Watermeloenen zonder pitten mogen onderontwikkelde pitten en, incidenteel, ontwikkelde pitten bevatten.
The same data reveal that 70 % of all prisoners are occasional or habitual drug users.
Uit dezelfde gegevens blijkt dat 70 % van alle gevangenen incidenteel of stelselmatig drugs gebruikt.
Er zijn af en toe vrouwen in m'n leven.
Echt met af en toe gebruik van frankenbiting.
Occasional Example
Ik geniet van de lunch die ik af en toe met mijn moeder heb.
Beautiful chords with an occasional kick on the distortion pedal.
Fraaie akkoordenschema's met af en toe een trap op de distortion pedaal.
There are occasional day trips from dive centres in Semporna.
Er zijn af en toe dagtochten van duikcentra uit Semporna.
We need long-term work, not occasional campaigns.
Er is behoefte aan een beleid voor de lange termijn, niet aan toevallige campagnes.
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Occasionally Examples
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Occasional Pest Example
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