
Slots Era Uninstall

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Augmentations are items you can add to existing items to improve them. Most items have a 'Slot' in them where you can place an augmentation. Some items have more then one slot.


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  • Rasper's Repository: All Augments in Seeds of Destruction, Underfoot, House of Thule, and Veil of Alaris - Sorted by type.

As of the patch of August 15, 2012, Augmentation Sealers are no longer needed. Augments can now be directly swapped in a piece of armor by clicking on an inserted augment with another augment on your cursor. Distiller requirements still apply.

Augmentation types[edit]

  • Type 1 (General: Single Stat) - An aug that only has single stats on it (all agi, or all mana, or all ac ect..)
  • Type 2 (General: Multiple Stat) - Lost Dungeons of Norrath (LDoN) general multi-stats
  • Type 3 (General: Spell Effect) - LDoN aug that has only focus effects or melee effects on it; or introduced with SoF are the augs that give a bonus to spells.
  • Type 4 (Weapon: General) - This slot is only found on weapons. Drop off of mobs and purchased with alternate currency.
  • Type 5 (General: Multiple Stat) - Type 5 (Weapon: Elem Damage) were originally augs that only fit into LDoN weapons. With the release of The Broken Mirror, newer Type 5 (General: Multiple Stat) augmentations were created that fit into newer gear.
  • Type 6 (Weapon: Base Damage) - These are augs that only fit into LDoN weapons.
  • Type 7 (General: Group) - These are the most common augs. Gotten from groupable mobs, quests or purchased with alternate currency.
  • Type 8 (General: Raid) - These are the most common augs. Gotten from raid mobs, quests or purchased with alternate currency.
  • Type 9 (General: Dragons Points) - These Augs are only buyable from DoN merchants and only fit on DoN merchant gear.
  • Type 10 (Crafted: Common) - Created by players.
  • Type 11 (Crafted: Group) - Augs that are crafted from groupable mob drops.
  • Type 12 (Crafted: Raid) - Augs that are crafted from raid mob drops.
  • Type 13 (Energeiac: Group) - Group level purity augs for Energeiac type armor. Purchased in The Buried Sea with alternate currency (orux) from Trader Vallarines in Katta Castrum (seems to require ally faction to purchase).
  • Type 14 (Energeiac: Raid) - Raid level purity augs for Energeiac type armor. Purchased in The Buried Sea with alternate currency.
  • Type 15: (Emblem) - Augs from merchants in SoF, and the Heralds in SoD, the slot only exists in BPs right now. You need good faction to purchase them. You can also buy them through various means in every expansion since SoF.
  • Type 16 - Underfoot and later expansions group cultural.
  • Type 17 - Underfoot and later expansions raid cultural.
  • Type 18 - The Burning Lands Special: Group - For evolving and tradeskilled items in The Burning Lands and Torment of Velious. The name of these augmentations begins with Secret Dawn, Weeping Heaven, or Whispering Midnight.
  • Type 19 - The Burning Lands Special: Raid - For evolving and tradeskilled items in The Burning Lands and Torment of Velious. The name of these augmentations begins with Secret Dawn, Weeping Heaven, Whispering Midnight, or Blazing Paradise.
  • Type 20 - Ornaments.
  • Type 21 (Special Ornamentation) - Hero's Forge armor ornamentation
  • Type 22 (Luck) - Introduced with The Burning Lands.

Adding and Removing augmentations[edit]

Several vendors sell Augmentation Solvents and/or Augmentation Distillers. Solvents destroy the augmentation and Distillers will safely remove them.

All augmentations can be added to or removed from items directly from the item window. You will need to have augmentation distillers or solvents in your inventory to remove those augments that require them. Swapping augments does not require a specific solvent and instead the game looks for a solvent of equal or higher level, like removing an augment.

  • To add an augment to a piece of equipment, pick up the augment on your cursor and click on the desired augment slot.
  • To remove an augment from a piece of equipment, left click on it. If the augment requires a solvent to remove, it will ask you for confirmation before removing it.
  • To destroy a non-removable augment that is in a piece of equipment, right click on the augment and select the Destroy option.

Some augmentations may not be safely removed, only destroyed. However, the Perfected Augmentation Distiller (see below) now in the game may enable you to safely remove any augmentation.

Perfected Augmentation Distiller[edit]

Alerynril the Loyal in the Plane of Knowledge (near the Crescent Reach stone) sells Perfected Augmentation Distillers for 432 crowns (loyalty tokens). These are reported to allow you to safely remove any augmentation, including those that state they can only be destroyed.

The Perfected Augmentation Distiller may only be used to remove one augmentation. You must purchase another to remove another augmentation.

She does not offer them to some people unless they uncheck the 'Show only items I can use' box.

Slots Era Uninstall Game

Hidden augmentation issues[edit]

Some items create hidden augmentations. You may get a message when trying to sell back gear to NPC vendors, 'This item contains an augment that I can't accept.' This can also happen when trying to make a combine (e.g. upgrade visible armor). To resolve it, equip the piece, remove your power source, then unequip the piece.

Charm augmentations[edit]

These augmentations will go in a Charm item. There are many others but this is a list of the best, as well as a few others thrown in here for variety. Feel free to add any not here :). If this list gets too long, I'll move it to its own page and put a link to it in the Items template at the top of this page.

  • Gold Plated Contact Spring Model ____ - Obtained from the Dragons, Dragons, Dragons - Group / Raid quest.

Augmentation Sealer[edit]

They are scattered in various areas of Norrath and look like a bird bath. They no longer serve any purpose but this section is left for historical reasons.


  • The Guild Lobby
  • Guild Hall
  • Every LDoN camp
  • The Bazaar
  • Arcstone
  • Aboard the Queen of Thorns in the Abysmal Sea, north of the Magus at the top of the stairs.
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Table of Contents


There are two ways to uninstall a program in Vista; the wrong way and the right way. Unfortunately, though, too many people uninstall a program using the wrong ways, which can lead to poor performance and problems on the computer. These wrong ways are delete the program's folder or just deleting the icons. When you attempt to remove a program in this way, there will be a large amount of configuration information left in the Windows Registry as well as files that may be installed in locations other than the program's folder. These orphan files and Registry data have the chance of causing conflicts on your computer thus leading to problems.
The proper way to uninstall a program is to use the uninstall routine that is bundled with the program itself. This will remove the files, Windows Registry information, and other configuration from your computer so that there are no conflicts in the future. When a program is installed in Windows, it will add information to the Windows Registry on the proper way to uninstall it. You can then use Windows Vista's Programs and Features control panel to properly uninstall the program. This tutorial will walk you through using this control panel so that you uninstall programs correctly. This method has not changed too much from previous version of Windows, but there have been some changes in Vista, which should be outlined.

How to uninstall a program in Windows Vista

To see a list of the programs that we can uninstall we must first open the Programs and Features control panel. To do this you should follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Start button to open your Start Menu. The Start button looks like this:
  2. When the Start Menu opens click on the Control Panel menu option.
  3. When the Control Panel window opens click on the Uninstall a program option option under the Programs category. This option is shown by the arrow in the image below. If you are using the Classic View of the Control Panel, then you would double-click on the Programs and Features icon instead.

You will now be at the Programs and Features, or Uninstall or change a program, screen as shown below. From this screen you can uninstall programs, view installed updates, examine your digital locker, and turn Windows features on and off.

Figure 1. Programs and Features Screen

This screen contains a list of the programs installed on your computer, the company that developed it, and when it was installed. This screen also contains four options in the left navigation bar that are unrelated to uninstalling a program. These four options are:

  • View Installed Updates - If you click on this option you will come to a screen that shows the installed updates and Ultimate Extras. From this screen you then have the ability to uninstall them. More information about this screen can be found in this tutorial.
  • Get new programs online at Windows Marketplace - If you click on this link your web browser will open and go to the Windows Marketplace homepage. From here you can purchase and download software.
  • View purchased software (digital locker) - When you purchase software at the Windows Marketplace, the software will be added to your digital locker. You can manage these programs from this screen.
  • Turn Windows features on or off - Windows Vista is installed with certain features enabled and disabled by default. By clicking on this option you can manage that Vista features you want enabled. More information can be found at this tutorial.

Now that we know what all the options in this screen do, lets start learning how to uninstall a program. The first step is look through the list of programs for the one that you would like to uninstall and then left-click on it once so that it becomes highlighted. Once you highlight a program you will see two new options next to the Organize and View button called Uninstall and Change. I have pointed those out with arrows in the image below.

Figure 2. Select entry in the program list

If you press the Change button, the program will launch it's setup so that you can modify how the program is presently installed. It is important to note that the Change button does not uninstall a program, but rather allows you to modify how it is currently installed. If you want to uninstall the program you should instead click on the Uninstall button. Once you click on the uninstall button you will be presented with a confirmation asking if you would like to continue as shown in Figure 3 below. For those who like shortcuts, you could just double-click on an entry to start this process as well. For some programs when choose to uninstall it, Windows may prompt you with a message stating Windows needs your permission to continue. At this screen you should click on the Continue button.

Figure 3. Confirmation screen to continue with the uninstall

Slots Era Uninstall

If you do not want to continue, then you should press the No button, and you will come back to the list of programs. If you press the Yes button Vista will start the uninstall routine for the program and begin to remove it. An uninstall screen will typically now open and may ask you questions about how the program should be uninstalled. You typically want to remove the entire program except any data that you may need in the future. As each program's uninstall process is different, it is advised that you read each screen carefully and continue with the uninstall process. When uninstalling certain programs you may receive a prompt from Windows stating An unidentified programs wants access to your computer. When you receive this as you uninstall the program, you should click on the Allow button, as it is the uninstaller being started.
The program will now continue to uninstall, and when completed you will be back at the list of programs installed on your computer. You will notice, though, that the program you just uninstalled is no longer listed. At this point you can either uninstall another programs or close the Programs and Features screen.

When examining the list of programs in your Uninstall list, if you are unsure as to what a program is, you can search for its name in our Uninstall Database.

Slots Era

How to uninstall a program in Windows 7 and Windows 8

To see a list of the programs that we can uninstall we must first open the Programs and Features control panel. To do this you should follow these steps:

  1. In Windows 7 click on the Start button to open your Start Menu. The Start button looks like this: .When the Start Menu opens click on the Control Panel menu option. In Windows 8, click on the Control Panel app in the Windows 8 Start Screen. Then scroll to the bottom and click on the More Settings option.
  2. When the Control Panel window opens click on the Uninstall a program option option under the Programs category. This option is shown by the arrow in the image below. If you are using the Classic View of the Control Panel, then you would double-click on the Programs and Features icon instead.

Slots Era Uninstaller

You will now be at the Programs and Features, or Uninstall or change a program, screen as shown below. From this screen you can uninstall programs, view installed updates, and turn Windows features on and off.

Figure 1. Programs and Features Screen

This screen contains a list of the programs installed on your computer, the company that developed it, and when it was installed. This screen also contains four options in the left navigation bar that are unrelated to uninstalling a program. These four options are:

  • Control Panel Home - This will bring you back to the main Control Panel screen.
  • View installed updates - If you click on this option you will come to a screen that shows the installed Windows updates on your computer
  • Turn Windows features on or off - Windows 7 and Windows 8 is installed with certain features enabled and disabled by default. By clicking on this option you can manage that Vista features you want enabled.

Now that we know what all the options in this screen do, lets start learning how to uninstall a program. The first step is look through the list of programs for the one that you would like to uninstall and then left-click on it once so that it becomes highlighted. Once you highlight a program you will see two new options next to the Organize and View button called Uninstall and Change. I have pointed those out with arrows in the image below.

Slots Era Uninstall App

Figure 2. Select entry in the program list

If you press the Change button, the program will launch it's setup so that you can modify how the program is presently installed. It is important to note that the Change button does not uninstall a program, but rather allows you to modify how it is currently installed. If you want to uninstall the program you should instead click on the Uninstall button. Once you click on the uninstall button you will be presented with a confirmation asking if you would like to continue as shown in Figure 3 below. For those who like shortcuts, you could just double-click on an entry to start this process as well. For some programs when choose to uninstall it, Windows may prompt you with a message stating Windows needs your permission to continue. At this screen you should click on the Continue button.

Figure 3. Confirmation screen to continue with the uninstall

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If you do not want to continue, then you should press the No button, and you will come back to the list of programs. If you press the Yes button Vista will start the uninstall routine for the program and begin to remove it. An uninstall screen will typically now open and may ask you questions about how the program should be uninstalled. You typically want to remove the entire program except any data that you may need in the future. As each program's uninstall process is different, it is advised that you read each screen carefully and continue with the uninstall process. When uninstalling certain programs you may receive a prompt from Windows stating An unidentified programs wants access to your computer. When you receive this as you uninstall the program, you should click on the Allow button, as it is the uninstaller being started.
The program will now continue to uninstall, and when completed you will be back at the list of programs installed on your computer. You will notice, though, that the program you just uninstalled is no longer listed. At this point you can either uninstall another programs or close the Programs and Features screen.

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When examining the list of programs in your Uninstall list, if you are unsure as to what a program is, you can search for its name in our Uninstall Database.


Now that know the proper way to uninstall a program you can avoid leaving errant files and configuration information on the computer when you would like to remove a program. This also allows you to clear up some extra disk space, if needed, by uninstalling any programs that you do not need. If you need help uninstalling a program in Windows, then feel free to ask about it in our Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8 forums.